Men's Ministry

Our ERBC Men's ministry provides opportunities for fellowship, service and connection.

2023 Ongoing Opportunities & Upcoming Events

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Men's Breakfast Sat.'s 8-9:30 a.m. @ ERBC (unless noted otherwise)

Currently scheduled Saturdays: 3/25; 5/6; 9/9 & 11/4

What to expect: At a minimum we'll meet every other month this year to hear testimony, to share from the Word and to break bread together...Sons are welcome!

"As iron sharpens iron, so a man sharpens the countenance of his friend" - PR27:17


Men Serving the Body in 2023

In April, June & October, the ERBC Men's Ministry is offering to serve a *needy ERBC church member(s) with a few hours of service (on a to-be-determined service day) in each of these respective months.

Such service can be things like, but not limited to, yard work, handy-man repairs, errands, hauling off or moving heavy items, etc...

Please submit your needs to Eric the prior month and we will work with you to get something scheduled.

This will be on a first-come, first-served basis....and of course be dependent on the number of available volunteers, the project size and the number of requests being submitted in a given month.

(*physically-limited individual(s) that has no able-bodied immediate family members available to help during the year)